Pretty Smart

Pretty Smart is a talk for teens to help them understand and see through the images coming after their confidence – online, through their ‘feed’ and all around them. Images that show perfection, that have been manipulated, Facetuned, tweaked, tanned, toned. Images that don’t celebrate our differences but reflect too much of the same.

The talk teaches the girls critical thinking. And gets them to question why we are so critical of appearance – both our own and of others. Because how we look can’t, ultimately, be changed and being mean about it is as useful as teasing a cat for being a tabby.

Pretty smart is now growing into a movement, for all ages, to change how we’re judged on appearance—no matter what size, shade, shape or orientation—and instead be celebrated for all that we are.

Fostering warriors not worriers!

Read about the talks in Sunday. 

Or Next.

Listen to Angela talk to Kathryn Ryan on RNZ about Pretty Smart and why it’s needed.

Or check her five tips for parents with teens on social media, also on Radio NZ.

*Header Photo by Sanath Kumar on Unsplash